Monday, May 7, 2012

Samsung Transform

This Samsung Transform allows phone users to multitask from one application to another. It's an android based phone with a sleek look. It has a powerful processor making everything you do from pictures to internet browsing faster. The camera is a 3.0 mega pixel camera giving users the opportunity to take fun and memorable pictures with friends and family anywhere they go. The slide out keypad makes it even easier to text message or email on the go. The talk time is AWESOME on this phone, users can be on the phone up to 7 hours without recharging unheard of with most phones that offer a lot of features.

Heres a tutorial link on this awesome samsung transform. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Samsung Replenish

This Samsung Replenish shuts off randomly when user is on a call and it says low battery when the battery is more than half way charged, the screen goes lock constantly without attempting to lock the phone. It overheats pretty easily. The internet service is terrible. The phone has a hard time picking up the 3G signal and it loses connection everywhere. Even when using a wi-fi signal this phone often disconnects from the internet causing frustration. I normally do not say this but this phone will not be worth a dime. Try to keep off it for it's own good!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Samsung Conquer 4G

First Time users of smartphones will absolutely love the samsung conquer 4G. Has an amazing processor making the phone work even faster than most phones. App downloads and video watching will be done in seconds. Its very easy and fun to get to email, text and address book with just one touch. Has a great camera for pictures, its a 3.2 megapixel with great video resolution too.  Here is a short video introducing this amazing android phone for our knowledge

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Galaxy Nexus

The Galaxy Nexus has an amazing screen, its very fast and has a great grip feel. It's a  32g with a 5.0 megapixel camera. This phone has a front view camera of 1.3mp. Now the hotspot is Hot! You can have your own portable hotspot. Connect anywhere you go just the way you do at any wifi spot. Your calendar remains on the go without missing any appointments everywhere you go. The Galaxy Nexus has a great touch screen display for text messaging and email. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

LG Xpression

This phone has an amazing qwerty keyboard that is well spaced. Its a great phone for being non smart phone. This phone is very nice! Almost every phone requires a data plan, it is nice to get a phone that doesn't require data. This is a great phone other than the camera. There's lack of selection on the pre-loaded wallpaper and ring tones. But this phone has a great Bluetooth that syncs well with vehicles and has great connectivity. However, the volume is an issue and can get annoying when you cant hear very well. Its a good text messaging phone, easy to text message on it. It really is the smartest non smart phone out.  The internet browser is pretty fast and the battery seems to be pretty good. The touch screen is nice and responds quickly really.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pantech Link II

Pantech Link II is updated with a better camera of 2.0 MP with video recording too. This phone has a talk to time of up to 3  hours it's not the greatest. It is bluetooth compatible device great for syncing. It has the basic internal memory of 200 mb with the ability to add more memory with a SD card of however many gigs the user would like. This phone has a music player with the capability of creating a music list. Pantech Link II has several games, its very durable and its easy to use! Heres a quick review on this basic messaging phone.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

LG Phoenix

Easy to use with a great battery life. This LG Phoenix phone is great for basic features like messaging and email. It experiences problems with freezing causing applications to  freeze at times building frustration for the users. There has been problems with the contacts converting to phone numbers all of a sudden on this phone which gets irritating to most users. This phone does crash often leaving someone no choice but to do a soft reset by removing the battery while its powered on and then put it back on. This phone does heat up after an hour of constant use. I do not recommend the LG Phoenix for the most part.